[:>|::Any Dream Will Do..::|<:]: November 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
「 dancing away 8:30 AM 」

With the release of this year's PSLE results and reviewing of the secondary schools my sister are eligible for, I finally realised how tough other's lives was compared to mine. While I was busy working my ass off to get into the course like medicine, people are struggling to get into university. When I though that entering an average secondary school such as Anderson was quite a breeze, it was so hard for others who didnt make the cut. I even remembered being disappointed at that point for not making into even better schools. I must have really took things for granted -__- (though I worked hard for them) and not appreciate what I have in life. But oh well, that's just me..always dissatisfied with whatever I've achieved -__-.

I used to think PSLE is easier than the school's exams, thus easier to do better. Apparently it's not.HAIX,I think I've imposed my expectations on her too. I had confidence in her. I made her dream big. I convinced her that if you aimed for the moon, you'll still be able to reach the stars even if you can't make it to the moon. Her disappointment, though well-hidden, pains me. I wonder..if I'm wrong in painting her that wonderful picture which was torn by reality. If I hadn't make her dream big,will her disappointment be less? All I wanted now is her to be happy. It's just PSLE for goodness sake. Screw Singapore system in making kids nowadays so stressed. Kids nowadays are smart enough to know that these examinations are important. And are stressed by them. Parent may play a part in transferring the stress to the children. BUT even without the parents, kids nowadays know. They are smarter and more mature. What a good job the system has done to the kids these days..forcing them to grow up at such an early age.

What I hope now, is that my dear sis doesnt give up. That's what I've been telling her these days. Just imagine that your results is a key that open the different doors. The better your key, the more doors you can open. PSLE is just one stage for you to get the key, there are many more ahead. So to get a good key, you have to work hard for one. Schools themselves are like the rooms contain the keys. Better rooms have more better keys. But what kind of key you get depends on yourself, the work and effort you put into. SO IT'S NOT THE END yet, just work harder next time :)

Let's just hope that the govt is not going to reduce the number of opportunities to obtain the keys or the doors that the key can lead to with the IP programs n stuff >.<

Oh Well~